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Ashrama Bulletin

Mountain Path

In Canada

A Ramana Maharshi Center (Incorporated) in Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, Canada, is taking shape and growing according to a report received by the Editor,

‘The Center is to propagate Sri Bhagavan’s teachings and practise’ meditation and chants morning and evening. A batch of dedicated devotees there are busy fixing a house and grounds for this country Ashram that will be open to all sincere seekers ‘in search of the Self’, Accarding to the report, the Ashram location is amidst picturesque surroundings of meadows, streams, brooks and springs, flanked by the Nova Scotia mountains reminiscent of Arunachala !

‘We wish the Ashrama all success; may Sri Bhagavan shower His Gracious Blessings on all that dedicate themselves to this cause!