Nondi and the Monkeys of Arunachala


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SKU: SKU-5071 Category:


Sri Ramana’s intimate association with the monkey tribes on and around Arunachala spanned from the early days of his arrival in Tiruvannamalai to the final days of his bodily existence. He was their friend, protector, arbitrator, guide and gracious benefactor.This wonderfully illustrated volume weaves together all the fascinating stories handed down to us by devotees and Bhagavan’s own narrations. It is a book for children of all ages who are ever charmed by the awe-inspiring episodes in the life of this divine personality, embodied in human form for the welfare of all creatures. The color illustrations sparkle with life and complement the many black and white restored photos of Bhagavan, Skandasramam and Sri Ramanasramam. The text is delicately woven throughout the charming images. p. 108

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Weight 0.8 lbs